Ministry of Defence: Chickens are withdrawn

According to the Minister of Defence  it was the first day that “the specific supplier would distribute chickens in the National Guard, but the authorities acted immediately and withdrew the chickens.”

Mr Fotiou added that “Two factors puzzled us since the beginning. Firstly, the chickens were beyond their normal weight and secondly, the symbols they had on them. I have ordered an inquiry about the whole thing.”

George Varnava of the Defense Committee of Parliament, said on his side that “There was a change at the militants’ food, which was ordered for the weekend and chickens were returned on Monday to the supplier.”

Mr. Varnavas said that ‘the supplier dared to give chickens with the Turkish flag on them to the National Guard. If any supplier violates the terms of the contract, he should be excluded.’

The question that arises is why in the first place, the competent State Officers did not preferred local suppliers with Cypriot chickens, when at the same time a program to support Cypriot products is being launched.