The death that stained with blood Shacola’s Lake project


24H reveals shocking details about the death of a fellow man, who went to work and never came back to his family.

There are shocking testimonials and videos. What exactly happened on the golf worksite the fateful day of November 11, 2009?

The scandal stained with blood.

Beyond the revelations about the lake scandal, 24H attempts to shed light on the case of the fatal occupational accident that cost the life of the 61years old Neophytos Markantoni from Limassol.

The projects that cost the death were NOT licensed. They constitute a criminal offense for which some people should be at prison. At a time where our citizens are imprisoned for minimum debts, criminal negligence that leads to death has no consequences.

A fatal accident that until today cannot be explained, a human life that was lost and Shacola’s project was stained with blood.

A man who was just trying to earn his living and found instant death.

24h found Neophyto’s Markantoni family, his wife and his three children.

24h secured an exclusive video that has never been seen before publicly amd the shots are staggering.

As you can see, there are no SIGNS! Also the video has shots of the fateful day and how the car of the unfortunate Neophytos Marantoni looked like. Afterwards, you can watch shots of the next day, where makeshift roundabouts have been erected.