How you could get an immunity certificate from Covid-19

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The fast spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many governments to roll out strict lockdown measures in an effort to curb the spread of the virus, reduce the death toll and decrease the pressure on their health systems.

As a result, any resemblance of normalcy has been stripped away from the people who have to stay at home and obey these rules and economies have ground to a halt.

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Now, with the arrival on the scene of antibody tests, countries like Germany and the U.K. have reportedly started considering issuing immunity certificates to people who have developed antibodies against the virus which means they had the coronavirus and have therefore developed some form of immunity to it in order for them to be able to leave the lockdown earlier than the rest of the population.

Antibody tests, which can be done at home, can detect the antibodies for the virus in the sample (usually a few drops of blood) and can return results within 15 minutes.

Find out quickly and efficiently if you have been infected with Coronavirus

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